A browser for the English language

Terminology is a browser for the English language – part dictionary/thesaurus and part research tool. Terminology is designed to make it easy to explore words and phrases, diving down to more and less specific terms - accessing the web and other apps for more detail and sharing.
Dictionary and Thesaurus
- Full offline U.S. English dictionary and word reference with simple clear definitions of root words and phrases. Learn more about Terminology’s WordNet-based dictionary
- Definitions, synonyms, antonyms and deeper word relations such as: more and less specific words, part, part of, members, member of, pertains to and more
- Audio pronuciations
- Share extension to lookup any text selection in any app
- Favorite terms for quick access
- Term browsing history
- Add notes to any term
- Term of the Day
- Wildcard (?,*) searching
- Spelling suggestions
Reference Tool
- Actions extend your research with quick links directly to the terms you look up in web resources and other reference apps
- Access iOS system dictionaries with “Look up” action
- Action Library with pre-configured actions for popular reference, search and other resources–like Wikipedia, Google, IMDb and more
- Create and share custom actions (Pro unlock required)
- Load web resources using in-app browser or Safari
- Deep link to terms in other apps when supported
Great Integration
- Share extension and Today widget for quick access
- 3D Touch and iPad Multitasking/Split View support
- Dark theme with auto-switching (Pro unlock required)
- iCloud sync of favorites, history and actions between multiple devices
- Spotlight and Handoff support
- Great Dynamic Text and VoiceOver support
- Extensive support for URL scheme integration via x-callback-url. Details on the developer page